a new new deal
June 27, 2024, marks the 90th anniversary of the signing of the National Housing Act of 1934 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. On this date, we gather in the first of an ongoing series of symposiums to boldly reimagine a new, New Deal.
Just as President FDR marshaled a diverse coalition of leaders to tackle the Great Depression, this series of symposiums serves to cultivate a network of individuals committed to leveraging resources, engaging people and communities, advocating for policy reforms, and driving the necessary actions for systemic change. Integral to this vision is the concept of "A New New Deal.” Join us as we encompass and unpack several key themes and topics, including:
Reparative Democracy
Collective Agency
Decentralized Land Acquisition, Use, and Tenure
Shared Equity Models
Impact Finance
Renewable Building Materials and Technology
Infrastructure Equity
Shared Value Social Enterprise
Economic Stimulus and Job Creation
Educational Reform and Access
Healthcare and Social Services
Environmental Sustainability
Criminal Justice Reform
Civic Engagement and Political Reform
and more…
Are you interested in sponsorship opportunities, or need more information? Please contact us at: info@peoples-studio.org